Strategic Communications And Advocacy

We operate in the intersection of politics, communication, and research to help clients achieve their goals in the political and public spheres

We specialize in helping clients navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of politics and public opinion. Our team of experts brings together extensive experience in political campaigns, public opinion research, issue advocacy, media relations, crisis communications, and digital strategy. By combining cutting-edge research methods with innovative communication strategies, we help our clients develop and execute effective campaigns that reach their target audience, mobilize supporters, and achieve their goals in the political and public spheres.

Core Competencies

Our core competency in strategic communications and advocacy is driven by our deep presence within the communities we serve. This local insight allows us to craft compelling narratives that resonate with stakeholders. We specialize in developing tailored communication plans and advocacy campaigns that raise awareness, drive policy change, and mobilize support for key social issues. By integrating local context and cultural nuances into our messaging, stakeholder engagement, and outreach strategies, we empower organizations to effectively communicate their mission and maximize their impact where it matters most.


Political Strategy: The ability to develop and execute effective communication strategies that help clients achieve their political goals, whether it is to win an election, influence public policy, or mobilize support for a cause.


Research: The expertise to conduct sophisticated research methods to measure public opinion, identify target audiences, and assess the effectiveness of communication strategies.


Messaging: The capability to craft compelling messages that resonate with target audiences, are memorable, and drive action


Media Relations: The skills to build relationships with journalists, pitch stories to media outlets, and handle media inquiries.


Crisis Communications: The ability to manage crises, mitigate damage, and maintain public trust during difficult situations

Fields of Expertise

Our core competency in research for political communications and advocacy allows organizations to effectively navigate the complex terrain of political discourse. We specialize in conducting comprehensive research to uncover political trends, identify key influencers, and understand legislative landscapes. This research forms the backbone of strategic political communication strategies that resonate with policymakers, stakeholders, and the public. Through our insights, organizations can craft impactful advocacy campaigns, build strategic partnerships, and drive policy change. With our expertise, clients are well-positioned to engage in meaningful political advocacy and create a positive impact on the issues that matter most.



Political campaigns: We work with political candidates, parties, and interest groups to develop and execute communication strategies to reach their target audience, mobilise supporters, and persuade voters.


Public opinion research: Conduct surveys, focus groups, and other research methods to measure public opinion on political issues, assess the effectiveness of political messages, and identify potential supporters or opponents.


Issue advocacy: Work with non-profit organisations, trade associations, and other interest groups to develop and execute advocacy campaigns on specific policy issues.


Crisis communications: Help clients manage crises, such as scandals, disasters, or negative media coverage, by developing and executing communication strategies to minimize damage and maintain public trust.