Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning And Research

We embrace innovative thinking and the challenge of tackling complex problems. We take a holistic and intersectional view of the world and dive deep into the issues, drawing from a range of disciplines and expertise to come up with creative solutions. We are passionate about the work we do, and our mission is to make a positive, equitable, lasting impact on the diverse communities we serve.

We have developed a team of local, national and international researchers with expert knowledge of research and monitoring, evaluation and learning for improved performance and planning. Our team is able to apply analytical and gender responsive methods including both qualitative and quantitative approaches in complex interventions related to thematic areas such as Education, poverty alleviation. rural socioeconomic development, labour and employment, forced migration and displacement environment and climate change, public health and sexual and reproductive health, violence against women, and peace and security,

Core Competencies

Our core competency in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) and Research on Humanitarian and Development concepts provides organizations with the means to measure and enhance their impact. In the development and humanitarian sectors, it is crucial to understand the effectiveness of programs for continuous improvement and accountability. We specialize in designing robust MEL frameworks that gather actionable data, allowing organizations to evaluate performance, identify opportunities for growth, and scale successful interventions. Our research spans various humanitarian and development concepts, including health, education, gender equality, and climate resilience. By focusing on learning, we help clients adapt to changing contexts and apply best practices to future projects, ensuring that their programs are data-driven, evidence-based, and poised for sustainable success.


Leading complex, multi-country humanitarian and development related MEL and research projects


Designing and implementing gender analysis, and gender-responsive research and MEL assignments


Mapping and analysis of policies, sectors, or thematic areas.


Carrying out impact-driven research on topics related to sustainable human development

Fields Of Research & Expertise

Our research and expertise encompass a wide range of fields crucial to addressing today's most pressing humanitarian and development challenges. Our comprehensive approach allows us to provide deep insights into various fields, enabling organizations to design and implement programmes that make a meaningful impact on communities worldwide. With our multidisciplinary expertise, we offer holistic solutions that are both effective and sustainable.



Forced migration and internal displacement


Gender, GBV, and gender-focused programming


Public health and mental health


Sexual and reproductive health


HIV, Key Populations and LGBTQI+


Human Rights and peace and security


Education and youth empowerment


Socioeconomic development and poverty alleviation


Labour, employment, and workplace relations and culture